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Ref : S05106

Theme : Aviation-NASA aircrafts-Prototypes  (1538 images)

Title : X-38 vehicle #131R arrives at NASA Dryden via NASA'S Super Guppy transport aircraft

Caption :

NASA's Super Guppy transport aircraft landed at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. on July 11, 2000 to deliver the latest version of the X-38 drop vehicle to Dryden. The X-38s are intended as prototypes for a possible ''crew lifeboat'' for the International Space Station. The X-38 vehicle 131R will demonstrate a huge 7,500 square-foot parafoil that will that will enable the potential crew return vehicle to land on the length of a football field after returning from space.The crew return vehicle is intended to serve as a possible emergency transport to carry a crew to safety in the event of problems with the International Space Station. The Super Guppy evolved from the 1960s-vintage Pregnant Guppy, used for transporting outsized sections of the Apollo moon rocket. The Super Guppy was modified from a 1950s-vintage Boeing C-97 Stratocruiser airframes. NASA acquired the Super Guppy from the European Space Agency in 1997.